From Self-Serving to Selfless: The Relatable Evolution of Booster Gold
Image credits to In the superhero roster, Booster Gold is often overlooked. Nevertheless, he has a charm that resonates with comic book fans. Created by Dan Jurgens in 1986 for DC Comics' "Booster Gold" #1, Booster Gold didn't come from a tragic background or another planet. He hails from the 25th century. Born Michael Jon Carter, his journey to heroism wasn't heroic at all. The former star football player was expelled from Gotham University when he was caught participating in a gambling scandal. Now banned for life from the sport he loved and in search of redemption, he stole advanced technology from a museum and traveled back in time to the 20th century with a powerful suit, Legion Flight Ring and robot companion Skeets. What makes Booster Gold relatable is his flawed nature and desire for redemption. His motivations aren't rooted in duty or past grief like many other heroes; at first, he’s selfish. He seeks fame and fortune so that he can...