
Showing posts with the label pets

The Greatest Ten Comic Book Pets

  As comic book lovers, we all know the lovable companions who have stood by our heroes. These pets come in all shapes and sizes; sometimes they’re covered in fur, other times scales or even metal. Either way, they’ve always found a way to make it into our hearts and add depth to their respective stories. Let me present to you the top ten comic book pets ever seen. Lockjaw (Marvel Comics) Lockjaw is a giant teleporting bulldog that has become one of the most iconic comic book pets out there. He’s part of the Inhuman Royal Family, which gives him an almost supernatural level of loyalty and teleportation powers for himself and others. Krypto (DC Comics) We’ve all seen Superman’s faithful Kryptonian dog, Krypto. But did you know he has all of Superman’s powers? That’s right! Flight, super strength…even heat vision! Ace the Bat-Hound (DC Comics) Batman’s loyal canine companion is an amazing crime-fighter in its own right! With its sharp senses and impressive training Ace has helped Bat...