Go Beyond, Plus Ultra! The World of Sports Themed Superheroes

In the wide world of comic books, superheroes have been given a vast range of incredible abilities. Some are seen with superhuman strength, others with the ability to time travel, and some even are able to fly. But while those heroes are great on their own, there is a special subset that uses the power of sports to accomplish amazing feats. By using their athletic skills along with supernatural powers, they embody a thrilling fusion of physical excellence and the supernatural. We’ll jump into this fantastical realm together, so let’s get started! Speedsters of the Diamond — The Flash Barry Allen who is known as The Flash is one of the most famous speedsters in all of comic book history. Due to an incident involving a lightning bolt he was blessed with super speed which lets him move at light speeds. Being a forensic scientist led Barry Allen to use his powers for good by participating in track and field events or just saving civilians from anything dangerous. Not only does he sav...