
Showing posts with the label hero's journey

Go Beyond, Plus Ultra! The World of Sports Themed Superheroes

  In the wide world of comic books, superheroes have been given a vast range of incredible abilities. Some are seen with superhuman strength, others with the ability to time travel, and some even are able to fly. But while those heroes are great on their own, there is a special subset that uses the power of sports to accomplish amazing feats. By using their athletic skills along with supernatural powers, they embody a thrilling fusion of physical excellence and the supernatural. We’ll jump into this fantastical realm together, so let’s get started! Speedsters of the Diamond — The Flash Barry Allen who is known as The Flash is one of the most famous speedsters in all of comic book history. Due to an incident involving a lightning bolt he was blessed with super speed which lets him move at light speeds. Being a forensic scientist led Barry Allen to use his powers for good by participating in track and field events or just saving civilians from anything dangerous. Not only does he sav...

Batman: The Creator of the Expression “Caped Crusader” in the Comic Book World

  The realm of comic books is full of iconic superheroes and supervillains, each with his or her own individual traits. Among these legendary characters, Batman stands apart as not only the Dark Knight of Gotham City but also the initiator of the term “Caped Crusader”. This phrase has since become synonymous with a certain type of hero in comic books. In this paper, we shall discuss what Caped Crusaders are with several examples from comic books highlighting Batman’s role in shaping this archetype. Birth of the Caped Crusader Batman, created by artist Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, first appeared in Detective Comics #27 in 1939. Batman was different from other superheroes at that time from the very beginning. Superman or Wonder Woman were different; they all had superhuman powers while Batman did not have such powers. He relied on his intelligence, physical strength and wide array of gadgets to fight criminals. What stood out about Batman’s character was his costume — a black cow...

When Worlds Collide: Comic Book Crossovers

  Once upon a time in the colorful world of comic books, heroes and villains stayed within the boundaries of their own universes, battling it out in the perpetual dance of good versus evil. However, the kaleidoscopic potential of crossovers soon began to unveil itself, first whispering in the ears of creative minds, and then roaring in the halls of publishing houses. The comic book landscape was about to change, with crossovers weaving complex, vibrant tapestries that linked disparate universes into a singula r, exhilarating narrative cosmos.     The early inklings of crossovers can be traced back to the spirited rivalry and camaraderie between Marvel and DC Comics, two behemoths whose playful one-upmanship often tickled the fancies of their readers. However, it was in 1976 that the pages of "Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man" first crackled with the electrifying energy of a crossover. The narrative saw the Man of Steel and the Web-Slinger joining forces against the nef...

Brad Kern — Interwoven Destinies and Transformative Journeys: Unpacking the Hero’s Journey and Narrative Complexity in “The NeverEnding Story”

  The NeverEnding Story Wanted to take a deeper look at one of my all-time favorite movies and how it so uniquely handles the hero’s journey and intertwines so many different story telling concepts. The concept of the Hero’s Journey has long been a narrative staple, popularized by mythologist Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” In this structural framework, the hero undergoes various stages such as the “Call to Adventure,” “Meeting with the Mentor,” and the “Return,” navigating trials and transformations along the way. However, Wolfgang Petersen’s 1984 film adaptation of Michael Ende’s novel “The NeverEnding Story” takes this archetypal storyline and adds another intriguing layer: breaking the fourth wall. This combination creates a unique storytelling experience, transcending the boundaries of fantasy and reality. The Hero’s Journey in Fantasia The primary story arc of “The NeverEnding Story” centers around Atreyu, a young warrior from the fantastical world of Fant...