
Showing posts with the label supervillains

Unveiling the Shadows: The Top Evil Organizations in Comic Books

  Image credits from The world of comic books is a vast and colorful one, but our heroes can’t always win. When they’re not fending off singular villains, they must deal with sinister organizations that want chaos and destruction. These fiendish foes have formidable power against our protagonists. Here are eight of the top evil organizations from comic book history. The League of Assassins Ra’s al Ghul heads this group that tries to bring balance to the world through killing. All members are trained assassins who will stop at nothing to get their job done. HYDRA An international terrorist organization with goals of dominating the world, HYDRA has been around for ages in Marvel comics. Red Skull leads them and is known for infiltrating governments all over. The Sinister Six A temporary team made up of some of Spider-Man’s most dangerous enemies — Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, and Venom — really put Spiderman in some tight spots over the years. The Brotherhood of Evil Mutants...

The Top 7 Worst Comic Book Characters of All Time

  Comic books have given us some of the most interesting, well-designed superheroes and supervillains ever. From the Clown Prince of Crime to the Amazing Spiderman, heroes and villains are an important part of any story and can make or break it. Not all of these characters in comics live up to this standard though, some even fall flat on their face, leaving fans wondering what the creators were thinking. This article will go over the top 7 worst comic book characters based on how they were made. Stilt-Man He was created by Stan Lee and Wally Wood and first appeared in Daredevil #1 in 1964. Wilbur Day, a villain who uses a mechanical suit that makes him look like he’s riding stilts, is about as one-dimensional as it gets for motivation too: financial gain. His costume looks silly even if you try to spin it into being cool with stilts that shoot lasers out of them. Arm-Fall-Off-Boy Created by Gerard Jones and Curt Swan making his debut in Secret Origins #46 in 1989, Arm-Fall-Off-Boy ...