
Showing posts with the label 80s

Brad Kern — Interwoven Destinies and Transformative Journeys: Unpacking the Hero’s Journey and Narrative Complexity in “The NeverEnding Story”

  The NeverEnding Story Wanted to take a deeper look at one of my all-time favorite movies and how it so uniquely handles the hero’s journey and intertwines so many different story telling concepts. The concept of the Hero’s Journey has long been a narrative staple, popularized by mythologist Joseph Campbell’s “The Hero with a Thousand Faces.” In this structural framework, the hero undergoes various stages such as the “Call to Adventure,” “Meeting with the Mentor,” and the “Return,” navigating trials and transformations along the way. However, Wolfgang Petersen’s 1984 film adaptation of Michael Ende’s novel “The NeverEnding Story” takes this archetypal storyline and adds another intriguing layer: breaking the fourth wall. This combination creates a unique storytelling experience, transcending the boundaries of fantasy and reality. The Hero’s Journey in Fantasia The primary story arc of “The NeverEnding Story” centers around Atreyu, a young warrior from the fantastical world of Fant...