
Showing posts with the label Green Lantern Corps

Icons of Cosmic Justice: The Top 7 Green Lanterns of DC Comics

  Image taken from For many years, the Green Lantern Corps has been a mainstay of DC Comics, an intergalactic law enforcement agency whose members use the power of will to protect the cosmos. Amongst the numerous Green Lanterns who have worn the ring, some have gone beyond this to become fan favorites whose exploits and storytelling abilities have captured readers’ imaginations. In this article we look at seven most popular GL’s according to comic book fans. Hal Jordan Hal Jordan is often thought of as the archetypal Green Lantern, being the first human to join. It is a journey that he has taken from test pilot to cosmic defender that runs through many great storylines in comic books. Not only known for his strong willpower and determination but also faced adversaries like Sinestro and Parallax while showing himself capable of leading other superheroes when he was part of Justice League. John Stewart An indomitable force on Green Lantern lore, John Stewart is one among ...