
Showing posts from August, 2023

Buckeye Nation: Unraveling the Loyal Fandom of the Ohio State Buckeyes

  In the vast landscape of American college football, few fan bases rival the unyielding passion and unwavering loyalty of the Ohio State Buckeyes. Nestled in Columbus, Ohio, the Buckeyes have cultivated a storied tradition that stretches back over a century. Their prominence in the college football realm can be attributed to a combination of rich history, competitive success, and an unparalleled fan culture. In this blog, we will explore what makes the Ohio State Buckeyes one of America’s biggest and most loyal college football fandoms. A History of Excellence The foundation of the Buckeye Nation’s loyalty can be traced back to the team’s illustrious history of excellence. Dating back to 1890, the Ohio State football program has consistently fielded competitive teams, amassing an impressive record of wins and championships. With eight national championships and multiple Big Ten titles, the Buckeyes have proven themselves to be a dominant force on the gridiron. Enduring Rivalries One k

How Comic Books Can Spark Young People’s Creativity

  In a world saturated with digital distractions, comic books emerge as a breath of fresh air, offering not only an entertaining escape but also an incredible stimulus for creativity. This blog post aims to delve into the unique ways in which reading comic books can nurture the creative minds of young people, fostering a generation of imaginative and innovative thinkers. The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Comic Books Comic books are not mere compilations of images and words; they are intricate blends of art and literature. This hybrid medium forces readers to engage both visually and textually, thereby activating and interconnecting different areas of the brain. The combination of concise text and vibrant images demands active participation from the reader, bridging gaps with their imagination, making connections, and encouraging them to visualize and predict outcomes. This exercise alone can spark creativity like few other mediums can. Visual Storytelling and Art Appreciation Reading com

Brad Kern — The Black Stripe Tradition: A Rite of Passage for Ohio State Football Players

  In the universe of college football traditions, some are highly visible and immediately recognizable even to the casual fan, like dotting the “i” in Ohio State’s Script Ohio formation. However, some traditions are more intimate, known primarily within the confines of the locker room and the practice field. One such tradition at Ohio State University is the removal of a black stripe from the helmets of new players. This seemingly simple ritual serves as a significant rite of passage, symbolizing a player’s full acceptance into the Ohio State football family. Origin of the Black Stripe Tradition The black stripe tradition at Ohio State was initiated by Urban Meyer when he took over as head coach in 2012. Meyer, a psychological mastermind in motivating his players, instituted this tradition as a way to signify when a freshman or a new player has demonstrated that he’s ready to compete at the college level and can be considered a full-fledged Buckeye. The tradition has continued under cu

The Tradition Behind the Buckeye Sticker on Ohio State Football Helmets

In the realm of college football, traditions are not just add-ons; they are integral parts of the game that connect past generations with the present, and perhaps none exemplifies this better than Ohio State University’s Buckeye helmet stickers. These small, Buckeye leaf-shaped decals that adorn the helmets of Ohio State football players may appear as a simple design choice at first glance, but they hold a special significance rooted deeply in the history, culture, and success of the program. The Origin of the Tradition The Buckeye sticker tradition began in 1968 under Woody Hayes, one of Ohio State’s most legendary head coaches. Hayes and his trainer Ernie Biggs wanted to find a way to reward players for big plays, excellent performance, and consistent hustle. The idea was to use a system of incentives that would not only motivate the players but also give fans, coaches, and players themselves a way to gauge performance at a glance. The Buckeye leaf was an obvious choice for the symbo

Brad Kern - The Timeless Art of Comics: Celebrating the Impact of Legendary Artists

  The Timeless Art of Comics: Celebrating the Impact of Legendary Artists Comics are a masterful blend of narrative and visual expression, captivating readers across generations and cultures. These unique combinations of art and literature serve as both captivating stories and significant cultural documents. This article delves deeper into the groundbreaking contributions of several legendary comic book artists and the lasting impact they have had on this timeless art form. This isn’t by any means a list of the greatest of all time (although all of them have their place on that list), or in any specific order. It’s just a diverse group that I feel represents differences and greatness of the artform itself. The Universality of Storytelling Comics convey complex stories that transcend linguistic and cultural barriers, engaging both visual and narrative senses in an intimate reader experience, unconfined by age or geography. The Pioneers: Joe Shuster and Bob Kane Joe Shuster: As the co-cr